Welcome to Chit~Chat Coffee Shoppe

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Welcome to the Chit~Chat Coffee Shoppe * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Some of my most favorite conversations have happened over a cup-of-joe. So, whether you drink coffee, tea, soda, juice, water, or even a shake this is a place to just relax, and shoot the breeze with your Online Friends. Chit~Chat about your day, your family, your kids, the weather, shopping, just stopping by to say Hi, or anything of personal value to you (of course within reason, LOL). Enjoy your visit with LilacsNDreams Chit~Chat Coffee Shoppe, and our special blend of virtual coffee.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Chit Chat Shoppe Has Moved to New Blog Come Visit

Hi Ya'll, and Welcome to Chit Chat Shoppe! Glad you stopped by to see the announcement that I have been putting on all my pages here with my LilacsNDreams Blog! Whew! I am getting me some finger cramps too!:) Due to some circumstances...long story, by as of Monday, May 7th I have been working on my new blog that I started then. Wasn't sure what would happen to this one when I got blocked out, and no guarantees of having it reinstated. 

So, I started a new blog right away, been announcing it everywhere, and to everyone too. Trying to get the word out to all who were following me here as well. You can click on LilacsNDreams which will take you right over to the new blog, or you can also click on LilacsNDreams2.blogspot.com as well. When you land there you will see the tabs with all the pages I have set up for you to visit with. Oh, yeah...if you forget to click on the addys just click one of the tabs at the top of the page, and you should be taken directly over to one of the new blog pages too. Neat, huh? Hope I did it right, and it works as I have been testing. 

I apologize for any inconvenience this has been to anyone. Thanks so much for understanding, and I hope to see you all again. Best of luck to you, take care, and have a wonderful day everyone! See you at the New Blog!:)

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Chit Chat Caffee Shoppe Gathering

Chit Chat Caffee Shoppe Gathering.

Hello, and Welcome to Chit Chat Caffee Shoppe everyone! Bear with me if you will. As time goes along with this page you will see me using maybe some different words, referring to this page with some different words/names, and so on. I guess I am in the mood for some slight changes, researching the internet to try very hard to make some things unique, and comforting to work for others as well too. There is soooo much out there in blogger land with unique names, and words being used! I have enjoyed some of the wonderful ideas I have had, and have also enjoyed seeing others liking the same things, and using it too. It has been an experience to see how others also are creative, and what they do with words. Pretty good pass time to experience for a day...let me tell you!:) 

This is one of many pages I have with my main blog of LilacsNDreams. I enjoy blogging, working with my blog, showing links to stores where I sell, showing pictures of things offered and have sold, and feel it to be more like a website than just a blog too. I have pages where I try to share different things, and different interests from me that others also like. Trying to have a lil bit of something for many different people. With this page I would like it to be a place where it is about nothing in particular. Just stopping by to visit, maybe share something that was heard of or just learned, share an experience, share something about your day, maybe stopping by with your cup of joe to get a pick me up for a bad day you are having, a place to journal, and.....just a place to chit chat and shoot the breeze with other fellow bloggers, and roamers of the internet. I don't know, but it's kind of nice to step away from business, crafting, listings, and such for just a few minutes to get a breath of fresh air, and to focus with something else for just a bit, don't you think?

I hope you got the idea of what I am trying to make this page about, and can understand my ramblings...I can get excited, and carried away sometimes....LOL:) For now this page is Chit Chat Coffee Shoppe, but I am working on trying to change it just a little bit....Chit Chat Caffee Shoppe, Chit Chat Caffee Joint, Simply Chit Chat, Just For Chit Chat, and so on, and so on. Trying to find something a little bit unique, and to make it into my own.....notice I said trying:) Chit Chat is very commonly used, but I so do like the idea of it too!:)

Thanks for visiting with Chit Chat Caffee Shoppe again everyone. Hey, if you have any suggestions...please share them!:) Would love to hear what others think, and get a little bit more input with this too. Ya'll take care, and see you again soon. Toodles...........


Friday, April 6, 2012

Happy Easter Chit Chat Bloggers

Happy Easter Chit Chat Bloggers!

I will be in, and out doing things with my listings for sale...trying to anyway. So, while I was here on my main blog page I thought I would drop by, and wish you all a HAPPY EASTER!! So far looks like it will be a good day here. I know many will be with family, friends, people we have met, maybe helping with shelters, and some will be alone too. In some way I hope all of you are able to enjoy this Holiday, and it's meaning as well too. I wish you all well, and take care. Have a Happy Day everyone...  
                                                            HAPPY EASTER!!

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Good Day Fellow Bloggers With Chit Chat Shoppe

Hello Everyone, and so happy to see you visiting Chit Chat Shoppe! I know, I know...been MIA quite a bit lately. I am so so very sorry for that too. I have been dealing with priming, and painting some rooms upstairs....but first cleaning up after some contractors before I can do some of the work. Then, dealing with a garage I have not used all winter for my car, but wanting it with weather changes, and possible storms. Yeah, more issues with contractors. They started outside the house with siding, and 2 porches in November. From there they came inside the home to work in rooms upstairs...new bathroom, new closets, new walls in 1 spare room, and so on. Here it is the 1st part of April, and jobs not done yet. Priming, and painting is being done so they can finish the bathroom with the floor, fixtures, stool, and etc. No beds, and no closets to use since January, and it is getting old. Talked few times with son of landlord, and the last time told him a fire needed to be lit under someone's bootie.  Also, been walking around house, and garage picking up nails, screws, and scraps in order to prepare for mowing the yard soon.

2 days after the call to the son the scaffle was gone outside with all 3 ladders that had been pulled up from the yard...they sat there all winter. My garage is cleaned out, organized, I can park my new car in there, and still able to walk around the garage. Finally! Now, to get this upstairs done. What fun, right? I think not. But, not my property, we have lived here almost 4 years, and the landlord is great! It's these contractors being used that I am not approving of. But, what's a girl to do, right?

Well, now that I have shared some life events.....I do really hope all of you are doing better than me. Hopefully you are in areas to enjoy this wonderful weather we have been having, and with the seasonal change into spring. I always like this time of year. Things are fresh, new, coming back to life, and it feels good!:)

Thanks so much for visiting with Chit Chat Shoppe everyone. Good to see you, and always welcome to drop by. Please feel free to share, comment, and make a note if you will too. Remember to say Hi so that I know you visited, and can hop on over to see you as well. Take care, and see you all again soon. Toodles..............

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Chit Chat Shoppe Sharing Valentines Day Cheer

Chit Chat Shoppe Sharing Valentines Day Cheer. Welcome to Chit Chat Shoppe everyone! Here is to wishing everyone a super day. Are there plans with someone special, will you be sharing lunch or supper with someone, any big plans? This note is wishing all of you with plans, without plans, and just having a special moment a wonderful Day/Evening! Take care, enjoy, have fun, and be safe everyone!:)

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Welcome to Chit Chat Shoppe With Blog Blogging

Welcome to Chit Chat Shoppe in Blog Blogging! Glad to have you visit with me during this time. WOW! Wednesday, 1st week of 2nd month in year is gone, and right now time has kind of been moving this way a little bit. How about with you? It has gotten cool again for us in our area of living, but so nice and sunny, and No Snow! I can handle that one, and so can the body too!:) 

Unfortunately, time still gets away from me a bit yet. I am working on schedules for me during the week so I can become more organized. I have not fulfilled my goal with it, but have honestly been working with it, and trying. Hopefully soon I get a feel for a schedule, and get a rythmn that works for me. 

Trying to keep this short for everyone, but wanted to stop by and say Hi. I wish you all well, hope it is being a good day to you, and Happy Hump Day Everyone! Take care, and see you again soon. Till the next time.....Toodles!:)

Friday, February 3, 2012

Good Morning Chit Chat Coffee Shoppe Visitors

Good Morning Chit Chat Coffee Shoppe! Glad to have you stopping by everyone. Hope you had a wonderful evening, and are ready for this great weekend! It's a big weekend with it being Super Bowl weekend. Any plans? Will you be watching the game, seeing it with friends, by yourself, celebrating, and all of that fun stuff. If so, enjoy and be safe everyone. Thanks for stopping by, and don't forget to say Hi so that I can come visit with you too. I wish you all well till the next time. Take care everyone, and see you again soon. 

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Welcome to Chit Chat Coffee Shoppe

Welcome to Chit Chat Coffee Shoppe everyone! Glad to see you, and have you dropping by:)

Time has just been flying lately, don't you think? I mean, here it is the 1st day of the 2nd month of the new year. Where has this past time gone already? Weather has been great here....just beautiful! Hardly any snow...if any. Just loving it! 

Pretty much have been a home body lately. When nice like today I am antsy to get out, and I finally did a little bit. But, only to go to the hardware store, talk with the landlords son, back to the hardware store, wash my car....and a big truck happen to be racing by when I got a big splash from him. 

Tonight I wanted to put up the new holder for the shower head on the shower wall. Got the old one off, got a container with some dawn soap, some vinegar, and some hot water, and let the shower head soak to clean. Got the screw out of the holder, and there I was stuck! Whoever, whatever, however....the back is like glued on! Even the flat head screw driver could not get it to come loose. Now what?! Well, in the morning they will be here to walk the house, and try to find where some of the drafts are coming from too. While here, I will ask the head contractor, or Landlords son if someone can help me out on getting it put back together. So, till then it sits again. Darn for wanting to fix something, and do it right, huh?:)

Well, I hope everyone has had a great week so far. Thanks again for visiting with Chit Chat Shoppe. Ya'll take care, and see you again soon. 

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Closing of Picnik and Petition Being Signed to Google

Closing of Picnik and Petition Being Signed to Google. 

Hello, and Welcome to Chit Chat Coffee Shoppe! Glad to have you here. Make sure to say Hi so I can come by to visit with you also.

Have you heard the news? The one about Picnik Closing. How sad! I use them all the time to do some quick edits of pictures, maybe add some text on the pictures, a frame, and so on. They are free to use, have a paid premium, are so darn easy to use, no understanding of software, no reading to understand the software, and just go in, zip through, and you are done. Now...that is soon ending. Google had taken Picnik over in 2010? Seems like an eternity ago, not sure on definite time it happened, but things went pretty smooth after that transaction too. Now, this announcement along with you being referred to Google Plus to do your editing. When they say this I am assuming it is Picasa that they are having you use since their albums are with them. Can't do nearly there what you could with Picnik. So, for those you would like to see maybe keeping Picnik around a bit longer, here is the announcement that came to my email. Feel free to read it, and continue on with signing the petition if you wish as well. 

Wishing you all a super weekend! Thanks for visiting my Chit Chat Coffee Shoppe page with this main blog. Take care, and see you again soon. 

Official Announcement: Picnik is closing

Since joining Google in 2010, we have been creating editing magic in Google products while continuing to keep Picnik awesome. But now we get to focus on even awesomer things. Picnik will be closing on April 19, 2012.
Your photos liberated
Amazing photos are created in Picnik, so we have launched a new feature, Picnik Takeout, that easily downloads your photos to your desktop in convenient zip files. You may also elect to copy your photos to Google+ where you can store and share your creations. You may request your photos at any time and use this handy tool as many times as you like until our closing date of April 19, 2012. Learn more.
Premium Refunds
To our primo Picnik Premium members, we'll begin processing a full refund of your current membership fee within a week of this announcement. By "in full" we mean the whole darn thing. Yep, this means even if you are on your very last day of an annual membership, we will refund you the entire $24.95. Just because we want to say thanks.
Now the Good News - Free Premium for ALL!
To express our gratitude for your support over the past 5 years, Picnik Premium is free for everyone! Use Picnik in all of its premium glory, for free, from now until our actual closing day. Touch-up, Textures, Advanced, and more are all free for you to use!
We have been incredibly proud of building a product that is used and beloved by so many of you. We continue to be amazed and humbled by the photos you create and we are immensely grateful for all of your support, creativity, and passion.
We are excited by the photo-editing fun we have already brought to Google products, like Google+, where you can find many of your favorite Picnik effects in Creative Kit. We encourage you to visit Google+ and give it a whirl.
Please visit the Help Hub for more information on our wind down, and check the Picnik blog for updated information on our April closure.
It's been awesome,
Team Picnik

Friday, January 13, 2012

Welcome to Chit Chat Coffee Shoppe Blog Page

Welcome to Chit Chat Coffee Shoppe Blog Page! Glad to have you here, and happy that you could stop by for a visit, and a virtual cup of coffee. It's cold here, and the coffee is good to keep us warm right now. Although it is evening here, and I will probably make some hot cocoa I found in the cupboard, and maybe a few mini marshmellows too. Hmm...and warm!

Here we go into the weekend, and we have gotten through our second week of the year too! Whew! Time just flies sometimes, don't it? Soon we all will be rushing to get our taxes done, and preparing for the change of the season too. Hopefully it comes a bit sooner this year than it did last year. Would be nice with the great winter weather we have been having so far here. 

Well, I wanted to stop by, say Hi, and share a cup of joe with ya'll. Thanks again for visiting with Chit Chat Coffee Shoppe. Stop by anytime, there is always a cup sitting to be drank. Make sure you say Hi too. Then, I can stop on by to visit with you also. When you can, make sure to visit my other pages I have created with my blog too. Thanks again, and see you again soon. Happy Weekend!


Monday, January 9, 2012

Good Morning Bloggers and Blogland and Chit Chatters

Good Morning Bloggers and Blogland, and fellow Chit Chatters! Welcome to Chit Chat Coffee Shoppe page for LilacsNDreams. So happy to see you dropping by. Hope everyone had a super Christams, and a great Happy New Year! Hope everyone is having a wonderful start to their new year, and it has been good this first week. WOW! First week of the new year 2012 has already come to us, gone by, and we are into another week. Time just flies don't it? LOL:)

I have been roaming my stores, moving inventory from one to another, busy with things around house with all the workers here, and some days having a hard time keeping up. This weekend was quiet, nice out, moved things down stairs to make room for workers, boxed some things for donations, and then delivered the donated items. I know as time goes along I will probably change my mind about some items to keep, and donate them. Just a wonderful circle of the Yes, and Nos..LOL:) 

Hope this finds everyone doing well, and having a great morning enjoying your Cup of Joe, or drink of choice. Well, it is late, and I have yet to get some sleep. But, I can honestly say Good Morning to ya'll. Have a beautiful day everyone, and thanks again for visiting and Chit Chatting with Me. See you again.